Contact any of the following for further information:

President: Terri Hahn
Vice president: Bette Pore
Secretary: Molly Klocksin
Treasurer: Lori Potter
Communicator of Achievement Award: LuAnn Schindler
Communications Contest – Professional: Mary Jane Skala
Communications Contest – High School: Sherry Thompson
Communications Contest – High School: Barb Batie
Historian: Mary Pat Finn-Hoag
Membership: Lori Potter
Newsletter: Molly Klocksin
Parliamentarian: Barb Batie
Publicity: Glennis Nagel
Professional Development: Jill Claflin
Professional Development: Ruth Brown
Legislative/First Amendment: Mary Kay Quinlan
Scholarships: Mary Kay Quinlan
Social Media: Terri Hahn
Website: Sherry Thompson
Past President: Lori Potter

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