Congratulations to the winners of the 2021 NPW Communications Contest. Winners are listed by category:
1-A. News story, newspaper
First: Lori Potter, Kearney Hub, “First a flood, now a pandemic”
Second: Erika Pritchard, Kearney Hub. “Summer Prom”
Third: Erika Pritchard, Kearney Hub, “Record Revival”
HM: Barb Batie, Midwest Messenger, “Palm Sunday Cruise-in”
HM (tie): Ellen Mortensen, Gothenburg Leader, “Preparing for Pandemic”
1-C. News story, Online publication
First: Irene North, “COVID-19, Coronavirus pandemic”
2. Continuing coverage
First: Mary Jane Skala, Kearney Hub, COVID-19 coverage
Second: Lori Potter, Kearney Hub, KAPPA Ethanol coverage
Third: Barb Batie, Midwest Messenger, Boswell Trial
3. In-depth reporting
First: Lori Potter, Kearney Hub, “Hemp, not marijuana”
Second: Mary Jane Skala, Kearney Hub, “Multiple Miracles”
Third: Ellen Mortensen, Gothenburg Leader, “Where is Christi Jo?”
5-A. Feature, print newspaper
First: Mary Jane Skala, Kearney Hub, “Second Chance Gone”
Second: Lori Potter, Kearney Hub, “Thinking of last year’s flood . . ”
Third: Erika Pritchard, Kearney Hub, “Community helps Mary Chuy”
HM: Ellen Mortensen, Gothenburg Leader, “Lathan’s Story”
5-B – Feature story, Magazine/newsletter
*First: Barb Batie, Midwest Messenger, “Superheroes and Princesses”
6-B: Personality profile, more than 500 words
First: Mary Jane Skala, Kearney Hub, “It’s like driving:”
Second: Lori Potter, Kearney Hub, “Finding Hope”
Third: Erika Pritchard, Kearney Hub, “Ken Carey”
HM: (tie) Irene North, freelance, “The Indelible Karyn Turner”
HM (tie) Heather Johnson, Mid-Plains Community College “MCC alum finds himself”
7-A Specialty articles, Agriculture
First: Lori Potter, Kearney Hub, “Pandemic meddles with pork legacy” and sidebar
Second: Lori Potter, Kearney Hub, “Harvest in isolation”
Third: Barb Batie, Midwest Messenger, “Pioneers of no-till country”
HM: Erika Pritchard, Kearney Hub, “Plant-buying frenzy”
7-B Specialty Articles, Arts & Entertainment
First: Lori Potter, Kearney Hub, “Woman of Steel”
Second: Mary Jane Skala, Kearney Hub, “Empty Seats”
Third: Erika Pritchard, Kearney Hub, “Princess for a day”
7-C Specialty Articles, Business
First: Erika Pritchard, Kearney Hub, “Busy Butchers”
Second: Lori Potter, Kearney Hub, “Virus stops large crowds at funerals”
Third: Barb Batie, freelance, “Nebraska expands German presence”
HM: Erika Pritchard, Kearney Hub, “The Greens at Prairie Hills Golf Course”
7-D Specialty articles, education
First:Mary Jane Skala, Kearney Hub, “He’ll be able to fix all 9,000 machines. . . “
Second: Erika Pritchard, Kearney Hub, “Wetzel’s wheel of determination”
7-E Special articles, Food
First: Terri Hahn, Summerland Advocate-Messenger, “Get ready to barbecue for Father’s Day”
Second: Erika Pritchard, Kearney Hub, “Taste of France”
Third: Lori Potter, Kearney Hub, “River Stop serving up homemade”
HM (tie): Mary Jane Skala, Kearney Hub, “Volunteers pack boxes of food for Cash-wa”
HM (tie): Terri Hahn, Summerland Advocate-Messenger, “Rise and Shine: eat a better breakfast”
7-G Specialty articles, government and politics
First: Lori Potter, Kearney Hub, “What’s Next for Ag?”
Second: Barb Batie, Midwest Messenger, “KLA seeks balance in water rights regulations”
7-H Specialty articles, Green/environmental
First, Mary Jane Skala, Kearney Hub, “Valentine’s Eden”
Second: Barb Batie, freelance, “Cover crops evolve to suit farmer’s needs”
HM: Lori Potter, Kearney Hub, “Repel ‘em naturally”
7-I Specialty articles, history
First: Mary Jane Skala, Kearney Hub, “Finding history: discovered dog tags . . “
Second: Lori Potter, Kearney Hub, “Thank you for your service Dennis Crowell”
Third: Irene North, freelance, ”A journey along the Mormon Trail”
7-J Specialty Articles, Building/design/hobby/construction
First: Erika Pritchard, Kearney Hub, “Big Kid at Heart”
Second: Lori Potter, Kearney Hub, “Hand-picked”
Third: Erika Pritchard, Kearney Hub, “Fun scary”
7-K Specialty articles, Obituary
First: Mary Jane Skala, Kearney Hub, “Pedro Garcia had a heart of gold”
7-L Specialty articles, Personal Essay
First: Erika Pritchard, Kearney Hub, “Noodles for the Soul”
Second: Lori Potter, Kearney Hub, “Rest at no-mask places”
7-M Specialty articles, Physical health, diet, fitness, clean lifestyle
Second: Barb Batie, Midwest Messenger, “From moldy corn to mental stress”
Third: Mary Jane Skala, Kearney Hub, “Jacob’s Journey”
7-N Specialty articles, Religion
First: Mary Jane Skala, Kearney Hub, “Minden and Zambia partner for orphans”
Second: Mary Jane Skala, Kearney Hub, “Voice led him to ministry”
H.M. Barb Batie, Midwest Messenger, ”Can-do Spirit: rural church donates to food pantry”
7-P Specialty articles, Science/Health
Second: Mary Jane Skala, Kearney Hub, “Clinical trials to believers in medicine”
Third: Lori Potter, Kearney Hub, “Fruit in February?”/”Elsen’s idea for greenhouses”
7-Q Specialty articles, Social issues
HM (tie) Mary Jane Skala, Kearney Hub, “COVID takes an emotional toll”
HM (tie: Mary Jane Skala, Kearney Hub, “Moving brings peace”
7-R. Specialty articles, Sports
First, Mary Jane Skala, Kearney Hub, “After July bike injury Brittani back on the track”
7S Specialty articles, Travel
Third: Irene North, freelance, “The View from Above: Balloonist finds peace and solitude”
8-A Columns, general
First: Lori Potter, Kearney Hub, “Graying, simple and free” & “Dawn strolls a bit brighter”
Second: Phyllis Buell, freelance “Just another four-letter word” & “Little things that count”
Third: Terri Hahn, Summerland Advocate-Messenger, “Thanksgiving memories” & “Main dish salads”
8-B Columns, humorous
First: Barb Batie, Midwest Messenger, “Mouse Wars 2020”
Second: Phyllis Buell, freelance, “Resolutions: did you make any?” & “So this is what happens”
8-C Columns, informational
First: Terri Hahn, Summerland Advocate-Messenger, “Recipes for a hot day” & “Build a better sandwich”
Second: Terri Hahn, Summerland Advocate-Messenger, “Winter squash” & “Thanksgiving is Over; now what?”
8-D. Columns, Personal opinion (bylined)
First: Mary Jane Skala, Kearney Hub, “COVID reporter”” & “He feeds more than stomachs”
Second: Phyllis Buell, freelance, “Participating: Just observing?”
Third: Barb Batie, Midwest Messenger, “Extreme fire season” & “Elections behind the scenes”
H.M. Lori Potter, Kearney Hub, “What if farm kids?” and “Pets in the White House”
9. Headlines
First: Terri Hahn, Grand Island Independent
Second: Angie Putnam, Forum Publications
Third: Bette Pore, Grand Island Independent
18A. Editing for Print or Online Publications, single page or supplement
First: Bette Pore, Grand Island Independent, A section
Second: Terri Hahn, Grand Island Independent, “Your Menu”
Third: Angie Putnam, Mitchell (S.D.) Republic, sports section
HM: Terri Hahn, Grand Island Independent, “Occasions”
18B: Editing for Print or Online Publication, single page, magazine/magapaper
First: Irene North, freelance, “Plight of the Black-tailed prairie dog”
19-A: Editing, Print or Online Publications, Newspaper
First: Terri Hahn, Grand Island Independent
Second: Bette Pore, Grand Island Independent
Third: Terri Hahn, Grand Island Independent
21-A Photography, News or feature photo
First: Erika Pritchard, Kearney Hub, “Puppy Plunge 2020”
Third: Erika Pritchard, Kearney Hub, “Bailey Boswell weeps at trial”
HM (tie): Lori Potter, Kearney Hub, “BLM protest”
HM (tie): Lori Potter, Kearney Hub: “Burrito Monday instead of Taco Tuesday”
21-B Photography, Sports photo
First: Erika Pritchard, Kearney Hub, “Pleasanton rodeo bareback rider”
Second: Lori Potter, Kearney Hub, “Saddle bronc rider”
Third: Erika Pritchard, Kearney Hub, “Kearney softball swept”
HM: Heather Johnson, Mid-Plains Community College, “The winning shot”
21-C Photography, General
First: Erika Pritchard, Kearney Hub, “PHS seniors embrace”
Second: Lori Potter, Kearney Hub, “Bull-chasing bullfighters”
Third: Heather Johnson, Mid-Plains Community College, “Welding: We are MPCC”
HM (tie): Lori Potter, Kearney Hub, “Sandhill cranes along creek”
HM (tie): Irene North, freelance, “The only way to soar is to believe you can fly”
HM (tie): Erika Pritchard, Kearney Hub, “Beef and noodles over mashed potatoes”
22. Photo Essay
First: Erika Pritchard, Kearney Hub, “State Wrestling Finals”
Second: Lori Potter, Kearney Hub, “Sibling Supper”
Third: Lori Potter, Kearney Hub, “Wildflower Paradise”
H.M. Irene North, freelance, “Pronghorn”
23. Photographer/Writer
First: Lori Potter, Kearney Hub: “New field fashion/Despite COVID-19, detasseling”
Second (tie): Irene North, freelance, “In the home of the bison”
Second (tie): Erika Pritchard, Kearney Hub, “Passion for Elk”
25. Graphics/Page Design, Newspaper
First: Bette Pore, Grand Island Independent, page A1
Second: Terri Hahn, Grand Island Independent, “Your Menu”
Third: Angie Putnam, Brainerd Dispatch, page 1A
HM (tie) Angie Putnam, Duluth News Tribune, page 1A
HM (tie) Terri Hahn, Grand Island Independent, State & Local
30. Radio/TV, Interview
First: Leta Powell Drake, “Nebraska Sod House”
31. Radio/TV talk show
First: Kaci Richter, “The Mixtape”
35. Web and Social Media, Personal Website
First: Irene North, “Writings of Irene North”
37-C. Web and Social Media, Personal Blog
First: Irene North, “COVID-19 ignored blue flags and refused to move over”
41A Video for Web, single news or feature story
First: Lori Potter and Ana Salazar, Kearney Hub, “Schwarz Family Farm, commercial hemp”
Third: Lori Potter and Ana Salazar, Kearney Hub, “Masks become part of detasslers’ work wear”
45A: Advertising, Radio and Television
First place: Heather Johnson, Mid-Plains Comm. College, MPCC division commercials
51: Public Relations Materials
First Heather Johnson, Mid-Plains Comm. College, “MPCC Annual Report”
54. Information for the media: Single news or feature release
First: Heather Johnson, Mid-Plains Comm. College, “MPCC bull rider ranks first in nation”
55. Information for the media: multiple news or feature releases
First, Heather Johnson, Mid-Plains Comm. College, multiple releases relating to MPCC